What Are The Benefits Of Servicing Your Split System?

We recommend having your split heating and cooling system serviced once every year by a licensed refrigerant plumber.

There are numerous benefits to doing so; however, here are a few key benefits:

1. Health Benefits

Within split systems, you will find that there are filters that the air flows through before being distributed throughout your home. We regularly find split systems (that haven’t been serviced in a few years) that are packed with dust, dirt and mould that is:

a) limiting the airflow from the system, and

b) blowing dirty air back into your home

We imagine that this is not what anyone wants in their home. The good news is that this can be avoided with yearly maintenance.


2. Limit Costs

Annually servicing your split system ensures that it performs at the most efficient rate. The more efficiently your unit is running, the less energy it uses to provide your home with cool or warm air. This results in a lower cost to run the unit, a lower electricity bill and ultimately saves you money!

dirty filters from split system
clean filters from split system

3. Longevity Of The System

Similar to a car, the better you care you take of your system, the better it will run and the longer it will last. Getting a professional to service your split system once a year will limit the strain on the unit, keep the parts working well and ensure the gas pressure is optimal. This will help your system to last as long as possible and reduce the likelihood of needing to buy a new unit. 

If you live in Victoria and want to book a service for your split system, reach out to us today!


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